Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Summer Breeze

Gosh darn hot around here! Everything's sticky and uncomfortable. I hear some kinda hurricane weather is coming along and it's supposed to cool things down. My cat sleeps all day because of the heat and at night she sleeps on our filing cabinet because it's cooler than her closet bed. I'll wake up in the middle of the night and see her outline against the window, with her little head down, dreaming her cat dreams. Poor thing wakes up to eat and purr and then goes back to bed. She's so sweet though because she wakes us up early in the morning for purrins' and Rich told me that she was walking up and down my body while I slept away. I had a pillow on my chest just for this reason, and she meowed her head off. Getting nothing from me she wandered over to Rich and meowed and walked up to his face and rubbed her head into his face.

Anywho... what was I gonna write about? When do the olympics start? Dammit, can't remembah! it's the heat. I'll write more later when it's cooler. Literati tomorrow. Bring it! heh. Cool off. (My method is hagen daaz's mint chip).

Ahaha... just remembered. Tonight's trading spouses night and things I hate about you night on bravo. Oh man that last trading spouses was funny and uncomfortable with that texas "white" mom. ooh she was horrendous. "Things I hate about you" is a "game show" in which a couple lists things that annoy them about their mate and then judges use the taped evidence of it to judge who's more annoying. The couples are followed around with cameras and there are stationery cameras watching their every move around the house. An example of annoying things? one man liked to burp everywhere and it smelled!! Another guy picked toe jam and his nose then he wiped it everywhere!! like on the bed covers and cushions. Women were annoying because they shopped too much and wanted back rubs from everyone. gotta run.
