Monday, August 23, 2004

I have 15 minutes to write this before going on to other things so I don't have a title.

Yes Julie, I did receive your letter. I will be mailing out the reply today! I have to write my parents too. heh.

Got to talk to Mike-college-boy and he sounds as if he's having the time of his life. It's been orientation and getting to know everyone week and he sounds as if he's made a bunch of friend already. A piece of our conversation:

Me: What are you doing now?
Mike-college-boy: Oh, I'm supposed to meet friends for breakfast this morning then we're gonna take a bus to either the mall or to Woodbury Commons.
Me: How's your roommate?
Mike-college-boy: He's ok. He lives only 20 minutes away from here so he goes home on the weekends.

That's neat. At least Mike gets to have the rooms to himself on the weekends he isn't home as well.

I saw League of Extraordinary Gentlemen the other night and I have to admit it was better than Hellboy and Spiderman 2 (combined and taken separately).

I woke up early this morning and for no good reason at all. I had a dream last night that we were on vacation with my parents. (We, as in Mike and I). They decided to "rough" it in this little village area where there were picnic tables and rafting was available. Mike and I got to the hotel and the parents were busy parking the car so I went up to the room and it turned out to be more like someone's home split into areas instead of a hotel. In our room I put down the crate that held two little kittens in them and they walked around the room sniffing and cautiously stepping around. That was when I remembered that I didn't bring their litter box and so I decided to head to the local grocery store and but some disposable ones. Before I went, I looked into the bathroom, which instead of being in our room was more like house bathroom for everyone to share, out in the hallway. Looking in I saw that it didn't even have a separate showering place and there was no toilet. More like a dirty hole in the floor. That's when I decided to shower with my flip flops on. I think there was more but I forget how it goes. I gotta run all. More later.


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