Saturday, August 21, 2004

Catching Up

I need to post a new poll. Look at that, all but one has 5-8 telephones in their house and one person has no phones! I need to update my book section too. Since reading "Daughter of Fortune" I read and really enjoyed a book by Melissa Bank called "The Girls' Guide To Hunting and Fishing". It's Sex and the City-esque and it was so funny and good that I read it in a day. Now I'm reading and am half way through Jhumpa Lahiri's "Interpreter of Maladies" and it's very good.

Just to go back to the Bank's novel, it was one I bought at a thrift shop in N.Y., by my old high school, and only paid fifty cents for it. So that night, when I had finished "D.O.F" I placed the new novel on the floor by the bed and noticed that my Sooty was sniffing it and I thought to myself, "she must smell the old, musty book scent" and thought nothing more of it. And so the next day I read it and got toward the end with about forty pages left and noticed that the pages were a little wrinkled and yellowed (stained) as if something had spilled on it. Curious I leaned in and smelled it and caught the odor of urine. hmm. But instead of throwing it to the floor, I couldn't not finish the book. (Yes it was that good) and so devoured it. (What a word to pick). So that's what my cat was sniffing at. Needless to say when I was done I put it away and washed my hands. It was still a good book. Maybe the person before me read it and laughed so much that they had to pee and trying to be discreet used the book...? heh

Okay everyone gotta go. I'm catching "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" tonight on HBO. Oh congrats to Julie for passing the certification exam! Hope you get a raise! hehe.

Night night all. Night to my bro, who's first day in college was yesterday. Reminds me, gotta call mom. It's supposed to be beautiful tomorrow. Perfect.


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