Friday, August 27, 2004

Major Fingering Legend

Yesterday I got it into my head that I should finally pick up reeds and cork wax for my clarinet. The one that's been sitting next to my guitar for the past few months. I played the clarinet in school band for 3 years when I was in 3rd, 4th and 5th grade. (My parents' bought it for me). So I went into the local "music" store in the little "mall" next to our supermarket. It's (the music store) really just a small room and there are mostly things such as drums and guitars hanging on the walls. I stood in the empty room for a while, until someone finally got off the bench outside and asked if he could help me. I bought 5 reeds and cork grease, went back home and tried to play the clarinet only to realize that I had forgotten what notes were what and where the reed should be placed. Rich told me to look up fingering charts on the internet and so I found the c major fingering legend and got back into the groove, however I could not play anything since I had no music! We decided that we better just buy music books online. And so ends my clarinet travels. I will try to practice a little today and if the library were only open on Fridays I would look for a book there but since they're not then I will have to order them online. Okee I gotta go for now. Talked to mom this morning and she thought the jokes I sent them were hilarious. Chicken Nut Bread Sorry there was no gravy with this entry. I thought it was a little dry too.
