Friday, July 18, 2003

On our daily biking Rich and I decided to take a trail unknown to us and found abandoned buildings amidst the forest, there were also paths leading from the buildings. They were covered in grafitti from people who like to leave their marks, very animal like isn't it? We're not that far from them are we? It was eerie, too quiet, too peculiar. Why didn't they tear them down? I dunno, but i wouldn't like to be caught there at sunset. Good thing we go pretty early in the mornings. I would also like to chide the people with dogs who don't keep the park clean, if you catch my meaning. It's not so easy to avoid when you're not great on a bike...haha Maybe it was people without dogs...I even saw what I'd like to call blackberry poo, it was a petrified poo, crusted, dark, and ridged. Yes I am a connoisseur. Speaking of which, my stomach is grumbling which can only be one of two things, the first i've just spoken of and the second, i'm hungry. Try and guess what it is...
Speaking of hungry, my poor fish are swimming around aggravating the other, they must be starved. My fat cat is a few feet from me relaxing at the window watching the dappled ground from the shadows of leaves. So cute. Sometimes she ends up snoozing a little there. My other pet is here, my chihuahua, sleeping and stinky. I don't smell anymore! Let me be much more truthful, I smell less than the previous entry claims. It's strange what water and perfumed fat can do for a lady. My pet, on the other hand, might need a day in this water and fat to even scratch off the surface stink rising off of him. Soon I will awaken him so that we can go about our business in the woods. Today we will endeavor to reach the end of the trail and perhaps find the elusive pond, where the water faeries dwell. They are easily angered so today we must proceed with caution as we near the pond. Even the woodland faeries dare not tread into their wetlands and ponds unless they are in a large group. Who knows, perhaps they will enchant us so that we do not find our way home til the sun sets. I think I've caught one's reflection in the stream that we passed one day. We have been unable to find that stream since. Once I've caught their shrieking in my ears as Rich and I fled from their sacred pond. We were flying downhill and Rich claims it was the wind in my ears, but it was unearthly, this shrieking, with the force of dammed water. Today I will carry a token as offering. It is the wild raspberry that grows within the woodlands' faeries domain, they give it freely but the water faeries cannot travel far from their homes and so they treasure it greatly and will grant free passage to any who carries it, but be sure not to give too much or they will become drunk and stronger than usual and will be able to follow you further than normal. If this occurs then may the gods protect you. Although, I have heard of old tales that tell you that you must touch the nearest birch bark and envoke the name of a woodland faery but I have never been in such dire situation that I never have tried it. This may just be another folklore of the Precians. Besides I am unfamiliar with any of these woodland faeries because they seem so shy and are unwilling to come out. I have caught them laughing and running beside us, winding around the trees, as we rode. When I finally asked Rich to stop, I peered out and found that they had taken the form of fire hydrants. Isn't that strange? How would they ever know what fire hydrants were and isn't that silly to have hydrants in the middle of the woods? haha I started to laugh and I was answered by the trees, from then on I found many hydrants to laugh at. Rich must think me queer, to stop by a hydrant near. But we've miles to go before we sleep, miles to go before we sleep.

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