Sunday, July 06, 2003

Network's slow tonight. I had to switch from internet radio to regular radio. Problem is the commercials. Sex in the city is on tonight. I think Charlotte's cute and yet a bit desperate. Sam is, well Sam is. Carrie is adorable with her Berger obsession/ high school crushin. Miranda, what's wrong with you? It is hot and humid here in NE, everything is wilting, including me. Last night I went swimmin in the pool and felt good but then it was back to sweating the night away. ugh. I can't see why people move to Florida. Although...i wouldn't mind moving to Hawaii... heehee. It's so hot I'm just procrastinating. I haven't done anything today but sleep and eat! Maybe I'll go swimming tonight as well so that I can be motivated to do something...hmm I doubt it though. I'm so lethargic! I'm studying for the mtel and today Rich and I went to buy a review book and I fell asleep to the vocabulary review section doing the drills. I will be taking my test on July 26 and I only have a few weeks to study instead of the ideal 8 weeks. I signed up late. I'm pretty confident over the Literary and Communications section but I have to take the English exam and I have to admit that I am intimidated...i saw a sample test for it and I wasn't sure I could answer the questions. haha hopefully this review book will give me some help.

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