Tuesday, June 10, 2003

Hmm what to say, what to say...well i've memorized a poem, one called "morning at great pond" by mary oliver. 1983 American Primitive . I've recited it to Rich and of course he's good audience. Also i am considering whether men tell lies in order to get out of something and we women lie to ourselves believing that what he told us is a lie but that he meant more and was in truth elaborately covering up the tremendous pain inflicted upon him if were to tell the truth to us. Meaning that he lied about something because he didn't want to hurt himself! hmm. Sorry, i can't get this out right. This has nothing to do with me and Rich but I see this alot with other people. My friend, who shall remain...you know the deal, believes in her hearts of hearts that her "boyfriend" still loves her but has stayed away because he doesn't want to be "hurt in another relationship" and i believe that all this time that she's pining away for him, he's f-ing another. I must use this phrase (f-ing) because that is the only way you'll understand how crude and dirty he is. Well anyway...once a dog... finish my sentence! Rich and I are just lovely, don't any of you dare feel jealous or hateful or jinxy because we work hard at this! ("i take care of my kids!") (a chris rock reference if y'all don't know). We work well together, but only when he's not hungry. Once he's hungry it's just better to step out of the way. His hunger is like my pms...except he only gets mine at the end of the month and I get it everyday... haha. I have a huge smile on my face because i know it's true. ooh wee 11 more days til harry potter. (i just leapt into another subject gracefully...but there was a slight thud after my foot got caught in something). Anywhoomawhatsit I must to bed! Yes I purposely left out "go". Don't you read? I think Shakespeare. oh the new word of the week "ballsy". I think that's how it's spelled. As in, "that was a ballsy move". I have read Of Mice and Men and Ethan Frome again. Pretty good books. I also learned that you could see the ending of Frome as a happy ending. What's a good ending? one that makes you think or one that makes you say "so what?" And they lived happily ever after.


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