Saturday, March 25, 2006

File Under Q

I have so many things to do and have done in the past few days. Forgive the lack of interest in blogging, which is the truth, because most of the things I've done was write on so many different topics that when it came to blogging I just lost any interest.

I have a few stories a-brewing in my head, but there are a few things that I needed to write out that weren't exactly stories. One having to do with the wedding, one having to do something with work, and a few that were for 'marriage' sake. Gah, I'm exhausted, luckily this time of the month makes me perky and excited to do things, unlike the end where I just slump around not wanting to do anything at all.

Okay, okay, hopefully I can mail out all of y'alls invites today and get that out there. Sorry for this post, not spectacular or even very interesting, but had to let you know the stats. It is a blog after all.

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