Friday, October 14, 2005

I could give up chocolate but I'm not a quitter.

Between the two of us, Rich is more a chocoholic than I am. He will gorge out on chocolate while I will eat a few pieces and call it a day. Don't get me wrong, between a yellow cake and chocolate cake, chocolate cake will win the day. But between a peppermint stick or chocolate... well it's better when it's minty chocolate.

However, I digress from my main point.

We believe that chocolate has a laxative affect (taken in excess consumption). 'Keeps my man regulah'. But I read someone's blog today that suggests that it actually does the opposite. So of course, I pulled out my trusty google and looked it up. But unfortunately could not find any evidence that supports that it causes constipation. It might cause constipation when you stop taking it because you're body's used to the regulation... I dunno.

Yeah, kinda leaves you hangin' doesn't it. Sorry, will work harder next time.



Anonymous said...

i just tried looking and didn't see any conclusive evidence either way. i did see that it poisons dogs and other domestic animals though.

Anonymous said...

Meooooowww Meooww. And along comes debbie downer....

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Very nice site! » »