Saturday, April 30, 2005

Quiet Please

One of my favorite things to do on a Saturday morning, while the hubby is still asleep, is to go to and watch all the new trailers that I've missed seeing because I haven't stepped foot in a movie theater in months. It's like watching Saturday morning cartoons without the cartoons and it's just the commercials commanding kids to buy stuff. I love it.

If they are done well enough, I am actually led to believe that I am willing to pay x amount of dollars to see a spring-y, romantic comedy. Like there's this new one called "The Perfect Man" with Chris Noth, playing his famous version of "Mr. Big"; of a confirmed Bachelor, living in Manhattan. Okay, maybe it's just the model of the perfect New Yorker... and the he plays against Heather Locklear and the romance ensues.

And I am a sucker for documentaries. haha. There's one called "Mad Hot Ballroom" that sold me as being funny and cute and fun. Alright, it's a buncha kids dancing but ya gotta see it. heh.

And then there are the foreign films, which I sometimes adore and sometimes I abhor. And I wonder whether it's too bad they don't have our kind of advertising or whether it's wonderful that they dont.

And then there are the horror movies. I'm a big fan of frightening movies but it seems that they never make it well enough. I think it's because they make it over the top. It's always something stupid, like Jason and Freddy in outerspace. It's not simple. What makes it a good, scary movie, is that most of the time it's not scary but when it is, it is. I dunno, maybe I'm describing it wrong.

Oh I gotta click on one more. See y'all later.

p.s. I know someone requested my "Disney on a Budget" post and I will work on that tomorrow, but for now... shhh. The trailers are starting.