Monday, April 18, 2005

"I'll Have The Beef-o-roni"

My laptop is finally on the 'net... yay! Now I don't have to wander into the office and check to see if anyone is around before settling down to type a hasty blog. I can now type a hasty blog in the privacy of my own room.

I don't know if I should blog about my "Disney on a budget" plan or if I should just reminisce about our trip down from Massachusetts. I like to catalog all the journeys and such so that I don't forget them. That's the point of logs and journals. Learn from mistakes and such...

I've decided to reminisce because I'm not through with my travels for free around Disney, yet. Though I should just add, in case I forget, one should wear a polo shirt and have a cheerful disposition (and have your significant other wear same) to get a discount on purchases (they thought we worked at the park), such as food. haha. That's a trick we stumbled on accidentally.

Okee, the trip started out in Massachusetts, with me driving my car and Rich following me in his, down to NY. Note to self, Route 3 in Massachusetts is also known as the 93 and eventually the I-95. Oops. In addition, route 3 north to "Boston" will take you south to New York etc. So after that slight fiasco we travelled to New York and reached there around 4-ish? Hung out with Mom and Mike for a little then we received a call from his parents telling us that they were in Connecticut and after gassing up we drove, in the scary, fast-laned darkness of 287, to the Tappan Zee Bridge, to meet his parents at the Pallisades Mall. From there we drove a few exits down to the Garden State Parkway and decided that was all for the night. (It was 8:30 or so and we pulled at the first rest stop which was situated on the left side of the highway).

We were woken up around 4 in the morning, but we were already awake, and after a quick fuel-ing, we headed off, to drive New Jersey in full, in semi-darkness, listening to Wanda Sykes on tape and laughing through the fumes of stinky Jersey. We stopped a few hours later just before reaching the Delaware bridge, to walk, eat and admire the foggy haze that surrounded us at 6-ish in the morning, or was it 7? Note to self, it's not so fun to drive with the trucks, even after following a camper, because they like to go top speed and the RV can't go faster than that. We were driving in the "truck and car" lanes, rather than the "cars only" lanes.

We didn't even see a sign telling us we were out of Delaware, we just went over the bridge and it seems as if right after the bridge we were that quickly out of it and into Maryland. So in Maryland we just followed the camper and I think some place in Baltimore we went around the loop instead of following the I-95 then connected back into the 95 later down. We were still listening to comedy cds and laughing.

Sometime later we found that we had driven through Maryland into Virginia and we were listening to Brian Regan on cd and god, I swear we were swerving around the road because we were both convulsing from laughter. I couldn't see because I had started crying from laughing so hard and I could see Rich wiping at his face and I couldn't stop the streaming from my eyes. It's hard to drive while blinded and going around the curves and trying to wipe ones eyes at the same time. I told him to turn off the deadly cd and it was a good twenty minutes before we stopped laughing and found ourselves in the silence of our car, with only the rush of the traffic to listen to. It was sick. My stomach hurt soo bad, and once in a while we still got the giggles because we both knew how close we had come to being seriously hurt and injured. I now know what "laughing to death" means.

Later we tried to analyze why it was so bad, and how it had snuck up on us. We figured that we had been prepped from all the earlier comics we listened to, known as "fluffers" in the porn industry... forget it. And Brian Regan is the most funniest motherfukcin comic in the whole wide world. I back this up by saying, I had already heard this particular routine twice before and laughed my head off those other times as well, and I still thought it was funny the third time!

God, I started laughing just thinking about it and have to break here. Will continue tomorrow with the rest of the trip. Smell ya later.



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