Wednesday, April 13, 2005

I'm sick and tired of all this sunny, 80 degree weather, sunrise to sunset. I'm serious. Rich and I went to Downtown Disney's Marketplace yesterday and it was glaring, blaring sun and for some reason they're not fond of trees around here. Linda claims that many were taken in the hurricanes. I think Rich is a shade darker than he used to be and for those of you who've seen Rich prior to this, it's a great improvement. heehee. The marketplace was great and it took me one step closer to the theme parks. First park? I want to go to the Animal Kingdom and go on the safari.

Everything sucks ass here. The drivers are horrible. We've been honked, yelled at, cut and that's for going 25 miles an hour on a 25 miles an hour road, with those terrible flashing blinking speed things and the threat of a cop just around the corner. One guy left our lane to cross over the yellow line just so that he could be in front of us and we got next to him at the light anyway! ugh. Then the other day Rich's dad almost got into an accident because some guy cut him off, and his dad, being all macho, tried to do the same thing and the guy cut him and slammed the breaks in front of us and Rich blew his top and yelled at his dad and I was sitting there trembling.

The prices of food here is through the roof!! It's expensive to buy produce, which doesn't even look fresh and I can't believe that one can of beans, which was like 59 cents in Massachusetts, costs like 83 cents here! I know, it seems like too small a price to worry over, but that's just the small things. Imagine sugar being 2 bucks a bag when it was like a dollar up north. And everything is just as or more expensive than up north but they're paid less here! I don't get it.

Gas prices are high here too. We have to buy gas at this no name place just to save a couple of cents. Ughh.

Water here sucks. No poland spring, gotta drink zephyr hills which tastes sorta salty, and dasani is fine but it's not spring water, it's purified water. Our tap water smells like sewage water that had tons of chlorine poured into it.

No one waves when we go walking, unless Linda screams out "hello!" and then they do it begrudgingly. You'd think the nice weather makes happy people but I guess not.

I guess I'm a little homesick and maybe a few more months here will cure that, but I'm not looking forward to the humid days and 100 degree weather to come. I gotta find a job. At least Rich likes it... for now.

Okay, I'm gonna go make pizza now. See y'all soon.


P.S. I am currently reading a book called "The Kite Runner" and this morning, while reading it I started crying because of what happened in the book. It's just too much. I don't know if I can finish it, though it's a really good book. I hate when that happens.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where did you find it? Interesting read » »