Friday, April 22, 2005


For some reason Firefox takes me to blogger whenever I click my link or type in "hellegood". It's strange and annoying because my Mozilla takes me to my hellegood site with no issues. But so my life is bothered by little annoyances and I'm getting used to them.

Tomorrow is the "annual" community picnic held at the tennis courts, or rather "court". I like to pretend it's an annual event, although I've lived here less than a month and perhaps this event was only thought up this year. They needed to know how many people were to come from this household and I've heard that they're serving hamburgers and hotdogs. mm yum. We are supposed to bring a dessert item and we decided that we will bring cookies, purchased, not made.

It's fine, I'd love to go to the picnic had it not been for a certain incident that occurred yesterday during our daily daughter/mother-in-law walks. We were walking around the cul-de-sac (one of many in the "neighborhood") and found ourselves faced with sprinklers and so we hopped off the sidewalk and into the street when suddenly a voice came from behind us:
"EXCUSE ME?! WHY WERE YOU JUST WALKING AROUND HERE?" The screeching voice came from one of the houses, and we were faced by a larger lady, and she was pointing at her backyard. Linda said, "we didn't walk there, we were walking on the sidewalk and had to go onto the street to avoid the sprinklers" but she only continued to stare at us as if she didn't believe us. UGH. Give me a break lady.

We made a wide berth this morning and we saw her in her garage but we avoided the walkway and opted for the streets instead. I hope I don't see her tomorrow at the picnic. I had a few choice things to retort at her if I was vicious enough to have an attitude and speak it out loud but I'd just rather meekly walk the street than "her" sidewalk as if I had commited a crime by walking on the sidewalk. God forbid anyone be a little neighborly around here. Yep, we were enjoying our little romp on your luscious lawn, mmm, the green carpeting was worth sneaking into your tiny, gated side yard just so we could wipe our grimy feet upon it.

Get a life and F off.

Have a happy and joyful and unannoying Friday!


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