Thursday, April 07, 2005

I noticed that my blog seems pretty sparse but for now you will have to deal with it since we are no longer with comcast and all my stored pics have been wiped out. I am also on a "communal" computer station as my laptop is not yet setup, nor is our room for that matter. I mean there's a bed and stuff in it but every few feet there is a moving box or the spilled contents of one. So I am here, checking emails, blogging, checking blogs, writing emails, etc. as fast as I can because we are on those "take a number" systems. Okay, I jest, but there are many people looking into using the two computers in this room and I gotta rush.

We have this neat-o tv system that has a dvr (sorta like tivo) and all this advanced recording pip, two tuner type deal. I was just happy I could catch the Amazing Race.

It's nice here, but strange, because we live in a very pristine, quiet, beautiful little community but as soon as you step out of it you're near trailer parks, gentlemens' clubs, psychics and bad housing. And this is all on the way to the mall, which is absolutely drop dead gorgeous. It's surrounded by palm trees and it's big and airy. I can't wait for you guys to come down and visit. heehee.

We haven't gone to Disney yet, though I try hard each and every day to beg and plead with the husband to get me there. Do you know that an annual pass costs $379 per person? And that's only to the four theme parks. We're waiting to change our licenses to prove we're Florida residents and get a discount on them. If Linda gets a job there we also get a discount. yay. We're all banking that she gets a job there. haha.

I gotta run. Oh by the way, we had some California Pizza Kitchen pizza the other day, and the food was delish. We also ate at the Cheesecake factory and Rich said that their "Linda's fudge cake" was good, and if he says that, then there's something to it because he's very hard to please when it comes to dessert. I had a dulce de leche caramel cheesecake which was good. So rich and creamy I couldn't finish it and I only had a third of a cheesesteak and no breakfast! I also told Rich that if I were ever to open a restaurant I would call it "Cheesesteak and Cheesecake Factory" and in the future, when it is a chain, it will just be known as "C&C Factory" haha.

See y'all soon.

P.S. The Floridian accent sounds funny.
PPS We have a neighbor from Georgia and we couldn't understand one thing he said. But it was a combination of accent and slurring from beer.


Michelle said...

remind me to tell you guys about the embarrassing "chick-fil-a" incident.

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