Tuesday, September 09, 2003

PMS-ing. I'm frustrated with everyone around me. I threw a crying fit at Rich and he declared "Michelle's Special Day" which entails a day at the bookstore where he bought me a new book, and he bought me a few treats. (dog like) I don't know if I should continue to perpetuate the myth that woman are bitches during their premenses period, but I really hormonally cannot help it one bit. Today I called him an ass for having a stomach ache. Does this time of the month also cause me to have horrible thoughts towards other females? Well I can't really say "other females" just his mother. It's bordering disrespect... What would my mother say? Well I've had it about ten years now and yet I still don't know what will come up. It's been really stressful lately and I have no idea why. I'm leaving now, but I will post a vampire teaser story on my other blogsite. Click on this :o) See y'all soon.


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