Thursday, September 04, 2003

Ooh Thursday! 13 more days before my birthday. Oh and listen to this info, my poem has been accepted for a little magazine called Poetry Motel. I was all excited and shocked. haha. Like a giddy school girl. I still have to send my release form in but don't worry it's in the mail today! woohoo. The funny thing is that it's my first publication (for real, not counting anthology books and online publications) and they don't pay anything but only in contributor's copies, but I'll send them over to my family, or even copies (as in xerox). But it's better to have some real copies. Now this has given me a little push to send out more (for money) haha. I'm also working on short stories to send out. Ooh!! haha Gotta go. Thanks everyone! It's beautiful today, even though it's raining.


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