Friday, July 28, 2006

The Spree/Live It Up

Two nights ago Rich and I went to Cirque de Soleil (circus of the sun), La Nouba, and we had a very close view. It was wonderful. It was an endless parade of characters and music, sights and sounds. It was as if I had fallen into a dream and nightmare at once, where there were a few instances of things I had seen throughout the day, and odd U.S.S.R.-ish men and women dancing and haunting music, some fairly scary bald-headed man who hobbled and wobbled in all his spandex muscular glory. It was like an interplay of work/reality and dreams/fantasy. I was enthralled the whole show. I have to say that what really added to it were our seats, we were part of the show and the scariness was that factor that we might just get bashed in the head or landed upon by a flying man. Excellent.


1 comment:

Anonymous said... close you could touch the stage. they had wires to protect the performs from falling but nothing to protect the audience from an accidental crushing by a bike-riding performer.