Tuesday, August 01, 2006

No Wonder My Mom Uses Fabric Softener Sheets

So, I'm walking out of our local Publix (supermarket) with a cheery smile on my face, it was a lovely morning, sunshiney and not yet too hot. I had had a pleasant time there with the workers smiling and greeting me and not too many people about since it was a Tuesday morning. I said 'hello' to everyone and was having a good old time.

As I was walking to my car I looked at my reflection in the driver's window and noticed something dangling from my shirt. When did I don a loin cloth, outside of my jeans no less? (I was wearing an old brown shirt that once was Mike's and a pair of jeans.) I looked closer and finally looked down at myself and saw to my horror that I had one of my knee high stockings clinging from under my shirt by sheer force of static electricity. It hung down onto my jeans like a used, old, brown condom stuck to me.

Chalk it up to embarrassing moment of the day.



Anonymous said...

yeah i usually try to look into a full length mirror before i go out in order to catch the big stuff like that.

another option might be to wash your nylons in a 'delicates bag' in order to keep them seperated and from hiding in your clothes.

Michael "Paz" Pascua said...

I think its karma for having my shirt (granted i let you have the shirt) but you get the point.

Michael "Paz" Pascua said...
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