Thursday, July 20, 2006

Summer Reading List

I loved summer reading in school. I might have been the only one who did. I think it's because it was never an obstruction to my summer habits since it was just that, a summer habit (as well as a fall habit, a spring habit and winter habit). I loved (and still do) to read and was always grateful for someone's recommendation on what to read. In college I went to the first day of my English classes in anticipation of the wonderful syllabus that would list all of my new friends, by name and author. Most of the time I read them long before the class ever got to them which afforded me a second reading when we finally did.

Now do you know why my, at once favorite and hated episode of the twilight zone is: "Time Enough At Last"?

Just finished reading The Time Traveler's Wife a few days ago and I highly recommend it. Not just highly recommend but almost beg you to read it. It was good, very good. And so you ask, what was it about? Well, it was about a time traveler and his wife and it made me cry and feel badly, it was wonderful.

I have a few more books on my summer reading list, and I've begun The Amateur Marriage, which is starting off delightfully, if slowly, since I'm still reeling from the one above. I have Wicked on my list, Snow Flower and the Secret Fan, and Brick Lane. I'll keep you posted on whether you should finish your last remaining summer days with any one of these. Peace out.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

some of us didn't grow up as readers and in fact despised "summer reading" assignments. and when the teacher started handing out new books in class we would feel the anguish in our stomachs and think about the study guides and essay topics that would follow the books.