Friday, December 09, 2005

Blog Stealing

That's right I said stealing. Don't be upset, or maybe you're just mad I didn't think your blog was worthy enough to steal.

So I was reading one of my favortie blogs, if ever that person had time to write everyday I'd never get to work... I will post it here in coherent phrases, or just half the blog...Okay I'll put those silly quotes up so you know I'm just quoting someone and not stealing.

One evening the three of us were having dinner, and Sarah said, "I think the world can be divided into two groups of people." I was interested to hear what her two groups were, as I myself usually divide the world into two groups of people; namely, people I hate on the one hand and me on the other hand, but I suspected her groups would be constituted differently. Indeed, I was right. When I asked her what the two groups she was referring to were, she replied, "People who had head injuries as children and people who didn't."

I blinked. "What?"

"Yes. You had a head injury as a child, right?"

I had to admit that yes, I had been injured at the tender age of two, cracking my head and bleeding profusely and creating a tiny bald spot on the top of my head. My mother, who had been out shopping, yelled at my father upon her return, "I told you to watch him!", to which he replied, "I did! I watched him climb up on the sink. I watched him fall. I watched him hit his head."

"How did you know?" I asked her.

"Oh, I can always tell." And then she went through our class, dividing its members up. Belen had not had a head injury; Michael had. Gary and Laurent had not; Patrice had. Mario she wasn't sure about but suspected not. And so on.

The next day, before class started, we went around and asked everybody. Sarah had been right in every single case.

And this is one of the many, many, many reasons I will never have children. Because it was crystal clear that people who had had head injuries as children were better than people who had not, so if I were ever to come into possession of a child I would feel compelled to give it a head injury, for its own future good. But I would have no idea how to hurt it just enough to make it interesting but not enough to make it developmentally disabled. And the resulting paralysis as I tried to figure it out would prevent me from ever getting anything done again.

I love that.
Do you know why? Because it's true. I had had a head injury as a child, and so has Rich. So has Mike, because I remember mom yelling at dad for not watching him as he tumbled out of the crib. And so if you ever stop and wonder whether you are a better person or more interesting person that someone else just stop and ask yourself, "did I have a head injury as a child?" And that'll be your answer. Clearly that's what makes me warm up to some people and not to others.

But it's easy to give your child a head injury, just don't pay as close attention as you would to "it" and there you go.



Anonymous said...

Those names make it sound like a multicultural paradise - like an episode of Sesame Street.

Perhaps though, that it is not if you had a head injury - perhaps it is whether you remember your head injury.

People that are smart and interesting would remember a head injury. People that are not so bright would not remember because they forget everything.

And, most children are going to bang their head at some point. So maybe those "dull" people did have a head injury but have no recollection of the incident.

Anonymous said...

Hi Michelle I’ve been looking for birth related blogs and I came across yours on this post during my trawl, so I thought it would be polite to let you know about my visit. You are most welcome to come and visit me at birth. I would also be happy to trade links with you if you are interested. Bye for now and have a nice day! Roy.