Thursday, June 16, 2005

Lending Library

Now that we live in a new place we decided that we should familiarize ourselves with our local library, so after cruising the dozen or so libraries, via the internet, we picked two that interested us. Then we drove over to the one downtown and I signed up for a library card. But this, my friends, is no ordinary library card. I couldn't even receive it that day. Nope, I watched as he watched me sign the card and then I watched him as he slipped it into an envelope and had me write out my address on the front, give him a secret password that they would ask me when I called in my card to activate it!! It's like a freakin' credit card.

Then I recently received it in the mail and I have yet to call it up, give my "secret password" and identify myself. That evening I watched Penn and Teller's show "Bullshit" which only confirmed what Rich had told me earlier that day, which was that he refused to sign up for a card because they (the feds) can look up what anyone has signed out at the library, under the Patriot Act. This is a quote from some person online "The theory is that people who are checking out what may be considered subversive materials are suspicious and need to be watched." If you'd like more info look up the Patriot Act section 2.15

I hope cookbooks aren't on the list of suspicious/subversive materials


Anonymous said...

or books about murder

Michael "Paz" Pascua said...

At this point, it probably is illegally coping sheet music. That's what I'd get busted for.

PS. They are gonna air the Amazing Race on Game Show Network (Go Momily again!) umm around July 11th. I hope the house I'm in has it. The first season was great. A little more chaotic, but so so cool.

Oh and I have to buy The Mole (Season 1) On DVD.

Anonymous said...

Everyone should say this out loud to make sure they are not possessed by the devil:

cry cyst is low hard