Monday, May 30, 2005

It Was The Season Of Light

You may notice the list of books that I am currently reading. Why? Because Rich thinks that I should improve and raise my standard of living and thinking and being. So as a dutiful wife I have conceded and slowly progress through my "humanities" enlightenment.

It's a good time to do so anyway. The fourth life change is here again. Man, six years seems to come by quickly. My life shifts every six years and I can name a significant event that changed my life starting when I was six. I'm sure it's a different number for people. Maybe for you it's five years, or ten or thirty. Mine just happens to be 6. I know I got married when my 6 years came up again, but who says I can't make two life-changing events happen? Or I can look at it as one event.

Now I'm wondering what is to come when I turn 30... I hope it's not kids 'cause I want them before that time. hmm. Well we'll see.
