Tuesday, October 07, 2003

Ooops, you're right mick, it is "rubber shoes"! hahaha. der. Well I have two sided news. The smell is no longer below my window because the neighborhood coyote has dug it up and was eating it, though it's been decaying for quite a while now. However, a car came upon him and he fled leaving the nasty bit o' goods upon our lawn, but finally now it's visible! So Chris came around and picked it up and got rid of it. We don't know where and how he has gotten rid of it but there seems to be a smell coming from the trash barrels that made Rich and me gag and point fingers at one another. After checking our shoes (and found nothing) we first blamed the orange cat but then we decided that the carcass was thrown by the trash barrels. But the other side of this coin is that, though there is no longer a horrible smell, it's too cold here in NE to open my window and my cat and I are both disappointed.

I am working on a short story that is about death. I wont post it because I want to try to publish it in the Watermark. By the way, in my search for the Watermark and submissions I found someone who will be a fiction juror who posted this fact on his blogspot! haha. Should I post his site? (I think it's a guy). Here it is: imshane.blogspot.com Maybe I'll make it good with him. haha.

Oh going back to the first subject...I took pictures of the poor little animal creating such a horrendous smell and it's not a bunny. It seems it may be a 'possum. I compared tails with real/dead possum babies (that I mentioned earlier this summer) and they match. You couldn't go with anything else because it was too mangled and decayed but the tail stayed true. So maybe I will post it. But moot. Okeledokelee.

See y'all soon.


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