Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Monkey On My Back

Last night, while watching The Daily Show, Rich said clearly and concisely "I love monkeys" and then he looked at me, shocked and a little perturbed that I burst out crying and wouldn't speak to him. (All right it didn't happen quite like that). But he said the above phrase. We had the following discussion:

Me: How can you use that word so flippantly!
Rich: What are you talking about? Monkey's are so cute!
Me: You can't barely manage an "I love you" to me!
Rich: Oh you were talking about love...

Then he reached over and started some monkey business.
I guess his philosphy is, why say anything about love when you can make it.

I think he whispered something about having little monkeys running around. Better than poor Charlotte's "you f-ing bitch, you f-ing whore" line. Heh.

yes we try to end everything with an exclamation.