Monday, September 19, 2005

Birthday Weekend

I use to love it when my birthday landed on a weekend but, alas, when you only work the weekends, well that just defeats the purpose doesn't it?

Thanks to everyone for the greetings. yay!

I am now a quarter of a century old, as everyone at work couldn't wait to tell me. And no, I'm afraid I do not feel old. I never feel old, except perhaps when June and graduations come around but that'll wear off... I hope.

What did I get? I bet you're all on the edge of your seats wonderin'. Okee, I got money and cards, best wishes, a cake and a half, balloons, pepper spray, Age of Empires (Conquerors) for the mac, dinner with Rich, and dinner with the in-laws. Hopefully the dinners will be yummy because I have yet to eat them. heehee. Also, as luck would have it, I got to do nothing but sit and occassionally use the company car for going places for two days of work. Yes.. I got tired of that real quick.

When my mom was 25 she had me...

I'm just saying.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

me mom was around 30 when she had me. just saying.