Thursday, April 03, 2003

Are women really genetically inclined towards men who can provide comfortable lives, plentiful children and safety? I've seen enough Discovery Channel documentaries to know that women will choose a man with money over a good looking man because we are genetically configured to find a man attractive who can provide security for our offspring and ourselves. Given a picture of two men, women have chosen more frequently a guy dressed in a business suit over the other dressed in a blue collar outfit and it was the same man! However, though we may end up with a man who is financially stable the gothic romance and supermarket romances aren't wrong. A lot of women find the "bad boy" a turn on and we give reasons like, "he's such a mystery", and "he doesn't follow any conventional rules" to justify or perhaps counter our own genetic predispositions. But in the end who do we end up with? And when we finally get to know the bad boy it turns out he's not such a rule breaker, but probably is more law abiding than the financially stable man. But how many women would admit having a crush on Bill Gates?

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