Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Light At The End of the Tunnel Turned Out To Be A Train
a.k.a. The Hellhole That is August (Part One)

So, as some of you know, Rich and I are looking around at potential towns and homes. We've driven hours and hours out of our way just for a piece of good earth where we can set our roots and grow a family. Some areas were actually not too bad and we based this on the scientific evidence known as "checking out the supermarket" and "driving around and seeing how bad the poverty is". Of course we drove past and through a number of trailer homes and mobile homes, some clean and over 55, some were a mess with cars on cinder blocks and people just covered in dirt. Literally.

Lots of people in pick-up trucks with heavy accents, toting the Confederate Flag, not once but twice or more. Of course there were the glimpses, the teases, of rolling hills and lovely, perfect homes, in the distance (literally and figuratively meant). There was poverty and there was opulence, sometimes just two blocks down from one another.

We changed our minds again and again, forgoing the acreage just for a nice little house with a backyard and back again. Nothing compared to a lot of the amenities that our current town offers, i.e. wide sidewalks or any sidewalks at all, proximity to places that we go all the time, and more than one supermarket...

So why not just buy into this town? Because of the crushing expense! To buy a one bedroom condo is already out of our home price range! And there are people here who are just so disgustingly rude, brash, cold, entitled. Yes, I hate to say it, but many are from north Jersey! I know, what a horrible thing to say! When I worked in a hotel, we would dread February because that's when "they" came and it was a month of complaints, of screamings and insistence that they get it YESTERDAY! Thank God Feb. is a short month. Man, you'd think that once they moved down south they'd relax a little. It's not that they are full of it, because that title goes to Texas... where everything is big, even egos, but they are full of s*it.

Yes I'm mad at them, they make my town unlivable and therefore make me want to leave and end up in a place that isn't picturesque, that doesn't invite one to go biking or rollerblading, running or just walking.

In conclusion, we may just rent another year here until we find something more suitable...


It took me an hour to write this post because I got caught up on reading all the sites that hate New Jersey people. And we don't mean you people who live in south jersey. You're basically in PA or Delaware anyway.

Join me for part two, the hellishness of cars and their break systems, as my series on "the hellhole that is august" continues.


P.S. Countdown to the end of August: 10 days left!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm no fan of new jersey-ites.