Friday, April 21, 2006


About three weeks ago I fell into some sort of hellish time hole, swam around in a lake of fire, tread through a few groaning, moaning corpse-like beings, made my way through this grinder, came away with a few bones still intact, then had my tongue cut out, which caused my hands to stop typing. I kept moving on and finally found a spoon, a teaspoon to be exact, and scraped my way upward toward the surface, all that time holding in my breath and bodily fluids.

Took about three weeks, I think that might be a world record, I met a few people in there that had been there for 60+ years.

In other news, my diminutive (and by diminutive I mean in stature as well as wholesomeness) sister-in-law might just buy the house next door. I celebrated that news by dunking my cat into the retention pond outside and not letting go until she stopped clawing at me. She's sleeping right now.

Last bit of happiness, I've been suffering from nosebleeds for a few days now and I think it's caused by the tumor, just behind my nasal cavity, whose pressure increases when I tilt my head downward enough to cause my nose to bleed. I cannot wear shoes that need tying and have found that I have gone to work with mismatched socks and can only see the rest of me using my visual periphery or looking in the mirror, which I have given up for lent (looking in the mirror that is).

What was that?
Easter passed?


Anonymous said...

well, then look at the nice rainbow, it is a complete 'U' one and very close: a rainbow

Anonymous said...

you know, a way for people to deal with trials and tribulations is to look for support from a heavenly father. it makes things go much easier. and since it's there, you might as well use it.

Michelle said...

hey, my parents are leaving on the 1st!! You'll be out on the streets! Haha, if worse comes to worse you can always stay with us. What else is everyone doing and how long are they staying? What about Aunty Lia and Louisa? I thought they were staying here for a while since they're on vacay?

I can get you a pretty good discounted room at Disney. You'll have to give me some time because the site's down and I can't tell you exactly how much it is. Where are you guys staying anyway? Okee, get back to me.

Anonymous said...

yo yo if helle good was on xanga

Michelle said...

the style doesn't matter, as long as you don't look better than me on my wedding... hahaha. Yep, it's sage!

Oh and I looked up a room arriving on the 30th and departing on the 2nd and at one hotel it's about $234 altogether. Ok, hope you get a nice dress, but not too nice. heh.