Sunday, April 02, 2006

12 Months

A year ago we arrived at this house, in Florida, sometime in the middle of the afternoon. It was hot and we were supposed to come home to a barbecue and my specially requested fried chicken. Turns out barbecues are white people term for burgers and hot dogs, and fried chicken is a cold pack from the deli at the local Publix.

Later the brother-in-law and uncle-in-law arrived from driving the moving truck and so uncle-in-law's wife came by and being a downer her first words were "did you hear? the pope's dead." Oh, nice to see you too.

Then there was the getting used to of which house we live at, which if the white jeep isn't park in the front sometimes I still get a little confused. Then there was the exploring of the mall and surrounding areas, eating at California Pizza Kitchen and Cheesecake Factory and pretending we were on a nice little vacation.

Yeah, year went by real quick, so much stuff happened, still happening, definitely not a boring year. Only literally 3 months left til my wedding but it's really 2 because once I reach June I wont have 28 days, I'll only have panic.

Enjoy the new week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

future doom