Monday, November 28, 2005

525,600 Minutes

Okay guys, we're gonna lower the lights down, we have one song left for tonight, grab a partner and pull 'em close.

I know I have about a month and two days before the official end of this year but I'm feeling sentimental. Wow, what a busy year for me, for us. This time last year we weren't feeling too Christmas-y because we had to keep the house spare and clean for prospective buyers. Sometimes we'd spend a full day inside a cold camper trying to explain to an upset kitty cat that there were strangers in the house, and that was the reason she couldn't go and play in her room.

I was worried about getting to New York, some time in April to get married, then later upset that we had to move in April so we moved the wedding to March.

A long drive down to our new home, worrying over Soot hiding in the closet, worrying that we'd die in a horrible accident because we couldn't pull ourselves together over laughing so hard at Brian Regan, worrying that the person in front of us was weaving back and forth because they were on the phone, worrying that I wouldn't get any good fried chicken when I got there.

Busy with work and weddings. Exploring the new surroundings and going to Disney and having family visits.

New job, new people, new environment, new weather, new house, new routes, new schedules, new sunsets and sunrises.

How does one measure a year in the life? I don't drink coffee, but I measure it in laughter and strife, food, and sunsets, midnights, in inches and miles, in journeys to plan, in looove.

Seasons of love...


P.S. Didn't see Rent and probably wont see it. But I love that song.


Anonymous said...

You mean that happy, cheery, and wonderfully uplifting Rent movie that I've seen all those fun looking movie trailers for?? I bet it'll be a great time!!

It looks so wholesome that I bet no one has any life threatening diseases in that movie due to their poor lifestyle choices.

Anonymous said...

Well lucky for introverts that our world is in our heads. We can move and everything stays the same. You poor extroverts with your life so dependant on your surroundings....

Anonymous said...

- Hubris with Christmas Lighting -
Dear blog, I tried to out do the neighbors with my Christmas lighting this year. I went up and down the block casting insults on those that dared compete with my own spectrum of magic. I claimed my decorations as the best in the neighborhood and then it all came crashing down. First the deer went out. Then it was the entire set of decorations. Then, in the middle of a rain storm - out trying to get the decorations re-lit - i was slightly electrocuted when I tried to plug in the last bit. The lights are all off now. It looks like we'll be serving a few slices of humble pie at the Christmas feast this year.

Michelle said...

Dear Anonymous III,

Luckily I don't approve nor take part in any of the "Smith" family doings. Why? Well:
A. No one really listens to my opinions.
B. Though I've been living with the "Smiths" for hmm 7 years, no one really asks me to be part of their gatherings.
C. I've had some say before but this year, when my Christmas tree was not placed in the middle of the family room, by the fireplace, well that was the last straw...

When I don't get what I want everything goes wrong! That's a warning to all of you...

Also, I told you and common sense told you not to go out right after we had a thunderstorm to "fix" anything that has electric currents running through.

P.S. Old people always mess everything up. I'm glad I'm not old, although I can't wait for my senior citizen discount. 15% off!

Michelle said...

Dear Anonymous II,

I guess it's hard to learn how to spell when you're an introvert because maybe you're so dependent on the things that go on in your head.

Michelle said...

Anonymous I,

Whoa, I totally agree! I'd see it just because of those uplifting trailers, too bad I only have enough money for Harry Potter and the Chronicles of Narnia!!!!!!

P.S. I heard Johnny, you know, from Doc & Johnny, refer to it as Nar-ni-a. Hahaha. Illit.

I guess I should be more embarrassed that I listened to them.

Oh snap!

Michelle said...

P.S. Would you like your slice o' humble pie served cold? Since all your fiddling will most likely take out the electricity for the whole neighborhood, rendering the microwave nonexistent.

Anonymous said...

525,600 minutes since the last post!!