Thursday, July 05, 2007

Lost In Translation

I know that relationships have an inner language, like you all don't know what "morsels" or "huddons" or "ellbald" are.

I thought of this the other day and wondered if we were to have kids, I would have to stop some of the talk because I wouldn't want my kids to grow up thinking that those were real, correct terms for things. For example, my mom used made-up words for private parts and so I grew up thinking that those were the actual words for them, until one day I told this word to someone and ended up getting laughed in the face, finding out a little too late that this was not the correct term.

I also don't want to end up like my parents and a lot of other parents who refer to eachother as "mom" and "dad". Ew. Imagine, it's so used in your vocab that one night you look over at your husband or wife and say "mom/dad, let's do it." Blghh!

But I wonder if the inner language can still exist, even with kids, but separately? Or will it vanish slowly or get outgrown and old, along with shoes and clothes and toothbrushes? Or just wont be as sharp, or will be replaced with new words? I'll let you know.


P.S. Hope your fourth of July was spectacular!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My guess is that like when you're around outsiders, you use outsider language, when your kids are around you'll use adult/parent language and save the inner language for only your spouse.