Monday, October 23, 2006

Michelle's Not So Scary

When I was younger, New York's WPIX, which was just plain old channel 11, used to play a scary movie every night in October leading up to Halloween. It was called "Shocktober" and it was way better than Octoberfest. Every night I would watch the first 30 minutes of American Werewolf In Paris, Gremlins, Nightmare On Elm Street, Halloween and Friday the 13th. Then I'd have to go to my room for bedtime. It was great because they had station edits and so it wasn't so foul-mouthed or gory but it creeped me out big time.

Now we don't have anything of that sort but the travel channel likes to spook people out with Englishmen holding seances and going down dark paths all in infrared. What scares me the most are their inverted green eyes and their gaunt faces.

I like a good scare once in a while but I am never brave enough to do it in the dark anymore. Now I am covered in sheets in the middle of the day, fast forwarding through the really scary parts.


Halloween is my second favorite 'holiday' after Festivus.



Anonymous said...

I don't like scary movies. I prefer old-timey movies when women had moxie such as in the 30's and 40's. You had to break through their tough exterior but when you did they were sweet as kittens - real dames.

The 50's had women as conniving temptresses - that wasn't good. In the 60's they had child-like abandon - real care-free. In the 70's they were all slutty for guys with hairy chests that could dance. In the 80's they were still slutty but for men with money or men with sensitivity.

Anonymous said...

I liked to get candy on Halloween. Once I had stopped eating candy or anything of that nature for a bunch of years. Then one Halloween, I just dug in and ate a bunch of candy from the trick or treat bowl by the front door. I started eating candy again from then on. Halloween is of the devil.

Anonymous said...

You know, I wonder if it is people that view real life as scary and have their daily lives filled with fear and worry who don't like scary movies.

And maybe it's people that have no concept of fear in their real life who need to watch scary movies to get that nervous energy flowing through them.

If events unfolded and they started perceiving the world around them as scary, they may not want to view scary movies anymore.

But anyway, you can probably tell non-nervous types from nervous types by if they like scary movies or not. Probably by which amusement park rides they like too. The non-nervous types are bound to be happier and less full of worry.