Friday, May 05, 2006


You know it's May in Florida when the lovebugs are in the air. I literally mean love bugs, a weird looking creature that looks as if it has a second head where it's bum is supposed to be, yep, they're mating. They swarm everywhere and really you only see them when they're mating, which occurs every May and September. I opened a window this morning and there were two of them on the screen, they got a surprise when I opened the window and harmoniously flopped onto the sill outside. They're somewhat of a nuisance because they swarm everywhere, dying on car hoods, windshields, grills and headlights as you drive down the road, if you had a convertible you end up looking as if you drove around with a mud mask when you finally arrive at your destination. Other than being annoying because they are everywhere doing it, they don't do anything else like sting you and suck your blood, so I say cheers to you lovebugs, everyone could learn a lesson from you. Time's short so make love, not war.
And so my fellow humans my message to you, on this lovely May day, is to go out and just do it.



Anonymous said...

using spoons

Anonymous said...

saving gas.
-don't drive aggressively (biggest savings potential)
-drive slow, i.e. the speed limit
-use cruise control
-turn off car if idling for a long time
-tire pressure had little effect
-A/C versus open windows had little effect

Anonymous said...

better link without the anchor tag. now goes to top of article.