Sunday, May 30, 2004

On the Run

So yesterday, after a late start, we headed to the field to go running, however, when we got there, there was a little league game in play and the other field was occupied by the soccer players and their moms. So we headed for the park, but there were a few problems. First, we chose the field because it would be easier running on grass, rather than pavement, and the park is all pavement, unless you want something nasty on your shoes. Second, the field is circular, so that Rich can get ahead of me and still be able to see that I'm safe and not injured, or god forbid, have stopped. The park, on the other hand, weaves through the woods, has lots of blind turns, and is just a tad spooky when you're alone. Third is that it's that time of the month again for me and parts of me are so tender that it hurts like a mo-fo to run or even jog slowly. I take it better on the treadmill because I go slower. So no running for me for a while. We tried a little, just up an incline and back and man, I gotta tell ya, it's harder going for that minute than it is on the treadmill. I was out of breath at the top and when we got to the car I was out of breath again. haha

Beautiful, inspirational weather outside everyone!

Have a great day!!
