Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Moral Obligation

Last Sunday I went to mass and went through the motions as usual, somewhat relieved that the priest was a different one from the week before, although, I found out too late that he wasn't any better either. Really the point of this particular blog isn't about priests who speak with affectations or the ones who suffer from obesity and stuffy noses.

This is about that part of the mass where you say 'Lord Hear Our Prayer', I believe it's called "Prayer of the Faithful", this is where the cantor reads a list of things we wish to have and the churchgoers respond with the above phrase. One such example from that list is: "Lord we ask that you look upon those souls who have passed away and to comfort their family (not a true word for word but you get the gist) and then we all say "Lord Hear Our Prayer".. and so on, down that list we go.

There are two parts that I disobediently do not respond to and the first is: Lord we pray that you watch over those unborn children and that you change the minds of the mothers to a pro-life stance.
It's not exactly like this, and I think it's even harsher than this, I almost don't mind asking for this. The dilemma is that I appreciate womens' rights and I don't want someone to tell me that I can or can't have an abortion and yet I wouldn't want people to throw perfectly good babies away... hmm, I'm not wording it correctly, sounding a little too black and white, too silly an argument.

Well, whatever, it's my blog...

The second part where I don't respond is when they say: Lord we ask that there be a Christian outlook throughout this nation and that our leaders also think in this way.
Bah, I wish I brought my tape-recorder... anywho... I would fully put my heart and soul into this prayer if what they meant by it was that everyone be kind, to think of others as brothers and sisters, to follow the teachings of Jesus and by their actions show how good it is to be a Christian and to inspire those qualities in others, but I truly believe that they mean this in a way that segregates non-Christians in this nation and puts them as second-place citizens in a world that only wants their views seen and no one else's. I think they want leaders, not to go around extending their hearts and goodwill to others around this world, but rather to go about voting that abortion be banned, that war is good if done under a Christian cross, that only Creationism be taught in schools...

I dunno, maybe I can pray for the last one, only under the terms of how I want it and specific, like wishes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! You just re-invented Protestantism! The Catholic church is all about following the Pope's interpretation of the bible and Christianity. If you don't subscribe to his teachings, then you should not go to a Catholic church.

If you want to follow Jesus' teachings, then you do that with no intermediary necessary. You can read the bible yourself and/or let the holy spirit come into you and be your guide.

I wouldn't necessarily recommend joining a Protestant congregation because then you may be trading one master for another while it should be God alone that is your master. Christian fellowship is fine but I'd say that you really need to find God on your own.