Friday, March 26, 2004

Let's Go Fly A Kite

This afternoon Rich and I tried to fly our kite but to no avail because there was no wind! Every once in a while a little burst of wind would cause our little craft to soar upwards striving to stay afloat but inevitably it would come crashing to the earth and we'd renew our exertions all over again. Although it was a beautiful day (63 degrees) it got to be hot and frustrating because of the lack of wind. So finally after about half an hour's worth of struggle we trudged back indoors. I heard it may be windy tomorrow, but also colder and perhaps even wet... Eh. It's a beautiful little kite too! With two handles for better steering and tons of string. I got it about three years ago and it's been in storage for a while. We took it out, once, to the high school field and flew it there for, what seemed like hours. It was great. I think we took it to the beach one year too, but maybe that's just me remembering people flying theirs on the beach. Before going in today, I held it closer and flew it around using centrifical or is it centrifugal? force spinning and dancing. If you heard someone screaming "wooo!, wooo, wooo!, wooo" that was me. I got Rich to spin around too and say "woo" except he whispered it more than screamed. Okay good night all.


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