Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Feminine Mystique

You know how women who live together (or work in groups), such as in dorms, tend to become in sync with their menstrual cycle...i think it may be called Menstrual Synchrony. Well...I think my cat and I may have follicular synchrony. I'm shedding hair like a mo-fo and so is she. I can't seem to stop her shedding no matter how many times we brush her during the day. My own hair seems to do the same thing. I wake up with hair tangled around my ankles, Rich finds them as bookmarks, they're just everywhere. I don't know what to do! It just started. We must know that spring is coming and we're lightening our load... haha. It's just that time of the month.

Speaking of period jokes and such...there's no end of it on Slashdot after the posting of the first printer for females by females. Hallelujah Epson! It's cute. It has a handle too. Haha

Snow Show

The snow has somewhat abated, but it's still pressing on. I just heard the plow scrape against the road outside, and the cars whizzing across the wet pavement. It's lulling me to sleep and I'm waiting to be tucked into bed. Night night everyone. Maybe I'll take pictures tomorrow.


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