Saturday, March 12, 2005

And The Winner Is...

Turns out that my husband would win in a fight with Mike Tyson... or so google tells me.
Black wins over white and turtle beats hare. Sweet huh? Guess who wins: fat and ugly or thin and sexy?

Here's another sweet link. Click it, unless you're chicken...

Tell the chicken what to do.
Do it! Chicken!

Nice out huh?



Anonymous said...

Yes, it's lovely out.

Finally a post eh? That's one less snap of the I-don't-feel-like -blogging-negative-reinforcement rubberband.

Anonymous said...

what you didn't know was that I threw the rubber band at the cat and she chased it then ate it. This was just to please ya cause I'm a "pleaser".

I was informed this by someone's mother. I'm starting to discredit all that she says... starting now!


Anonymous said...

You have an outstanding good and well structured site. I enjoyed browsing through it