Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Just Not In The Mood

Well I've been tricked once more. I've been walking around in flip flops outside, on the sly, feeling that warm-ish tingle from the 50 degree weather we've been having. (Come to find out that our digital thermometer was broken and it really wasn't 50 the few times I stepped outside, more like 40 something.) But now they're telling me that I wont have my 40/50 weather. Nope. We're getting snow tomorrow. Yep. A snow storm. Looks like the area where we live will be getting 4 feet of snow. That's almost a foot shorter than me! Gah.

Then I still have to clean out my car, pack the odds and ends laying around, get Soot's travel gear ready, wait for the truck to come, help pack the truck, have Rich's 70 something uncle come up from Florida to help Rich's half brother drive the moving truck (when he's not really necessary), plus have him come up to spend almost a week here. Now really there's nothing that* wrong with him but I call him (to myself of course) a "Charlie lover" (is it true that I can use Asian slurs because I'm Asian?)(As well as being derogatory toward "whites" because I married one?) (At the very least, these people are my 'family members' right? I can make fun of my family). Meaning, he likee the asian flavah. Meaning, even at 70 something I feel uncomfortable having him staring at me and trying to talk to me, it's all I can do from screaming "Beaucoup, Fifty Dolla Beaucoup!" then I might add "me love you long time!"

My cat needs to have her little claws cut. She's a crazy little bunch running around and around the house. As she runs or walks, for that matter, she has to keep retracting her claws so that it sounds as if she's ripping velcro off the carpet.

We're moving a week from tomorrow. dum dum dum! I gotta run. I'll catch y'all on the flip side.

*Well actually there's a lot wrong with him because, if you look to what he's spawned i.e. his family, as evidence, there's a lot wrong with them.