Thursday, April 15, 2004


Sorry, it seems that when I'm busy writing and have submerged myself into words and things and such I can't seem to write about anything else. So I'll be shallow and write only about A.I. and nothing else in my life. A.I... First of all anyone who voted for J.P.L. needs to wake up. He's gotta funny Kermit the frog voice and his dancing is no longer hilarious, it's to the point where it's disgusting. If Latoya leaves before J.P.L. then I'm not watching that show anymore. I barely watch it anyway. I thought Jasmine did well, I think she's got a sweet voice. It's something nice to listen to. However, I really dislike her uber-Hawaii theme. I'm tired of the flower, which draws attention to her wide face, I'm tired of the of the "Shaka*", every reference is to Hawaii. Favorite movie? Lilo and Stitch. I saw it, I look like Lilo, it's still not my favorite movie. Oh man.
My mom watches A.I., strange I think. Anyway, mom got her hair done yesterday and sent me pics of herself. hmm, it's something to get used to. It's straightened. You know what's weird, is that when it was straightened it was much longer than she expected and then she had them trim it back to normal length. So now when it returns to regular kink, she's gonna have a 'fro. hmm. I'll see her in real life on Sunday so I'll be able to see it better. Camera Phone quality isn't good so I saw it but I'll save judgment until I see her. I wonder what dad thinks. haha okay gotta go. Later dudes.

*Shaka means: Great or excellent; "Cool!"; brilliant; having fun; good job. A hand signal originally made popular by surfers where you stick out the thumb and pinky and fold the other three fingers in; "Hang Loose!".


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