Wednesday, August 13, 2003

I've been reading, I just finished Bombay Time by Thrity Umrigar. It is one of the best books I've read in a long time. I haven't been writing in two days but I finally realized what happens to Robert and it just came to me today. It must have all went down yesterday and last night while I hungrily devoured my book. I want to know how many people are right-handed compared to left-handed people who read my blogs. I think it may be 75/25 (I count myself as one) so with me and Mick being lefties there is only Soo who is right handed, unless there's people out there who don't speak up (i can't count you, you know, unless you squeak up). P.S. please inform the female parental unit that I have received the lovely donation for my health and etc. that she sends every full cycle of the moon. I, going back to the previous topic, would have to admit that I am ambidextrous though my writing hand is my left, but! with the computer and typing I am ambidextrous, relying upon both hand to write. I must admit that my brilliance and artistic flair stems from my lefthandedness. Studies show this. I will post an article to prove my point at another time, for now I must return to conjuring up secret societies and unknown worlds with pen and paper and of course my imagination. Signing off

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