Tuesday, August 19, 2003

I rented Chicago and Bowling for Columbine. Didn't get a chance to see them yet though. I haven't written anything decent in a while. Some gobbledegook that I'm sure when I read it again will look as though a 5 year old may have written it. I'll post up more Robert stuff on the Mulberry Street blog but I haven't progressed in that one. I will have to force myself to sit down and type tomorrow. Today I'm just too tired. I haven't finished the Stephen King book yet and already I'm itching to read the Poisonwood Bible. Hope it's good, it's an Oprah book club book too, but that doesn't mean anything because she chose She's Come Undone and I had to read that for a psych class and it was terrible. Lifetime movie-esque. I just saw Stir of Echoes, with Kevin Bacon. Don't. It's not worth it. There were some scary parts but the rest were eh.

I think I will go and make some chocolate chip cookies. Too bad I threw out the bag, now I'll have to conjure up the recipe outta my butt. Okay I'll post something for Mulberry Street. More Robert stuff. Hope y'all like it.


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