And He Didn't Even Shave His Belly Hair
I get ansy around 4 pm on Halloween, watching, waiting, anticipating that there might be early candy enthusiasts, settling in for a long 4 hours of hunting. I get afraid when it gets to 6 pm and no one has come to the door. Then, timidly, around 6:30 a hesitant ring at my door and there stood a lone boy of about 5, dressed in some netherworld fashion, yelling for treats or else... and with a "thanks" he opened the flood gates...
to ninety (90)!!! others. I got little boys and little girls, big boys and big girls. I got moms and dads and yes, even grandmothers with curlers and a robe. I had girls dressed as boys and men dressed as girls. And there was a tense ten minutes where we ran out of candy and had to give out our secret stash of Dove chocolate bars!!!
It was pandemonium!! It died down around 8:15 with an estimated 5-6 bags of candy given.
I was kinder to the little ones, giving them three and once five pieces but for the adults and the rude children (the ones that ring the doorbell more than twice) only one piece!!
"Here we are children!!! come and get your lollipops!!... ice-cream, chocolate... all freeeeeee today!"
The stats...? well more girls to boys, about 51 girls to 40 boys. The breakdown of races, about 60% caucasians, 35% latinos and 5% other. One being a brown little asian girl whose eyes got big and wide when she saw me. She went so far as to pull her "white" mother over and point to me. She stood on my lawn staring and staring at me until her mother called her to "come!"
Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus.
So begins our holidays. Please don't eat the candy that isn't securely wrapped and make sure your mom or dad (or other responsible adult) checks your candy.
See youse guys.
P.S. I was a cuddly, pajama with feet, clad person ready for bed. My costume included a teddy bear and sleep mask. I was going to be a New Yorker in October.
big multi-bags of just baby ruth, crunch bar, 100 grand, and butter fingers??? butter fingers sug!!
what has halloween come to?
I remember snickers, smarties, 3 Muskateers, milkey way, m&m bags, m&m almond, hersey bar, mr goodbar, hersey's dark (eww), Krackel, mounds, kit kat, candy corn (gross), various lolly pops, gummi bears, skittles, tootsie rolls, caramels, sugar daddys, sweet tarts, sprees, licorice twists, reeses peanut butter cups.
I mean come on... come on. Ask not what Halloween can do for you, ask what you can do for Halloween.
I got to walk kids around my building. I heard there were tons of kids in the other buildings but alas not many survived the walk over to Lenape. But the kids that did were rewarded generously because the roomies that gave out the candy knew that there weren't gonna be that much so they gave out large handfuls of candy (except for RA [resident assistant] Jordan, the stereotypical Jew, who let each kid have 3 pieces of candy)
One boy was dressed up as Belle from Beauty and the Beast.
I relived my role as Speed Racer. And had tons of people go, "I loved you in that geico commercial" But my good friend (Girl) Jordan was Sailor Mercury! It was cool.
Well, talk to you later
- Your Brother
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