Saturday, April 09, 2005

I'm streaming Mike's radio show on the internet while I write this. Now everyone thinks I like heavy metal. heehee. No Weezer is not heavy metal. I like that new song "Beverly Hills" though.

Rich and I picked up some Krispy Kreme donuts today. So happee. We wont eat them til later though. Rich also promises that next week we'll go over to the Disney Village, which is a square where you can go shopping and eat, it's located by Disney but you don't need to pay to get in. I'm one step closer y'all.

I'm still in vacay mode so don't expect me to write anything good for a while. You can tell i'm not in the writing mood because I haven't placed any titles, clever or dumb, in the beginning of my posts. Yayaya. Besides it's my ibook that gives me the inspiration to write good posts and I can't write anything good on this cramped keyboard on another's laptop. boo.

Plans for today? We're going over to check out Rich's sister's new condo, then I'm gonna take a nap, shower, eat Krispy Kremes and sleep. Diet begins on Monday.

I don't wonder that old people go here to die, time goes by sooo slowly. I'm bored out of my wits and there are a lot of things to do. I'm just dragging along though. Gimme another month. By the way, when is Arlyne coming down to disney? Tell her to call me when they're down here so I can hang with her. Sweet. I'd like to see a familiar face. Hopefully my family can come sometime this year.

I gotta go do nothing. See y'all. Without my laptop I can't read all my favorite blogs because I can't remember everyone's addresses. Don't worry, I know all the addresses for the people who matter. But the funny blogs I read I can't remember. Which is funny because once I find one I can find the rest since they're all pretty much friends. blah blah blah. see yas


1 comment:

Michelle said...

god i'm an idiota.