Friday, April 21, 2006


About three weeks ago I fell into some sort of hellish time hole, swam around in a lake of fire, tread through a few groaning, moaning corpse-like beings, made my way through this grinder, came away with a few bones still intact, then had my tongue cut out, which caused my hands to stop typing. I kept moving on and finally found a spoon, a teaspoon to be exact, and scraped my way upward toward the surface, all that time holding in my breath and bodily fluids.

Took about three weeks, I think that might be a world record, I met a few people in there that had been there for 60+ years.

In other news, my diminutive (and by diminutive I mean in stature as well as wholesomeness) sister-in-law might just buy the house next door. I celebrated that news by dunking my cat into the retention pond outside and not letting go until she stopped clawing at me. She's sleeping right now.

Last bit of happiness, I've been suffering from nosebleeds for a few days now and I think it's caused by the tumor, just behind my nasal cavity, whose pressure increases when I tilt my head downward enough to cause my nose to bleed. I cannot wear shoes that need tying and have found that I have gone to work with mismatched socks and can only see the rest of me using my visual periphery or looking in the mirror, which I have given up for lent (looking in the mirror that is).

What was that?
Easter passed?

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Suck It Up!

I just finished watching "Made" on MTV and what really bothers me is when the madee doesn't seem to have the drive for what they're being made into. Ughh. I've seen it time and again, they're late, they have attitude, they dissolve in tears over the smallest things, like not agreeing with the outfit they have to wear. I want to be made into a surfer or some strong woman kinda thing, not the stupid scary ones where they're huge and have to lift a keg over their heads for no good reason. More like "Miss Fit Body 2006" or something like that, haha I have more of a misfit body than the other description. It's always lame high schoolers too.

I apologize to all the lame high schoolers out there. heh

Another thing I don't like about Made is that they always want to make the girls into hideous slut girly girls and throw away all of their previous identity and the girls conform to it. Gah. I want to be made into an assassin, or a member of the elite Navy Seals or the Marines or a Green Beret, or like a jiu jitsu/grappling killer, or just be bitten by some radioactive bug or cat and be a super villainess...I mean heroine. hehe. I want to kick ass and look good doing it.

Gotta go mo-foes


Sunday, April 02, 2006

12 Months

A year ago we arrived at this house, in Florida, sometime in the middle of the afternoon. It was hot and we were supposed to come home to a barbecue and my specially requested fried chicken. Turns out barbecues are white people term for burgers and hot dogs, and fried chicken is a cold pack from the deli at the local Publix.

Later the brother-in-law and uncle-in-law arrived from driving the moving truck and so uncle-in-law's wife came by and being a downer her first words were "did you hear? the pope's dead." Oh, nice to see you too.

Then there was the getting used to of which house we live at, which if the white jeep isn't park in the front sometimes I still get a little confused. Then there was the exploring of the mall and surrounding areas, eating at California Pizza Kitchen and Cheesecake Factory and pretending we were on a nice little vacation.

Yeah, year went by real quick, so much stuff happened, still happening, definitely not a boring year. Only literally 3 months left til my wedding but it's really 2 because once I reach June I wont have 28 days, I'll only have panic.

Enjoy the new week!